PA News & Announcements

Public news and announcements from Peoples Academy.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Babe Ruth Baseball

Here is the Babe Ruth Baseball information for 15U.  This is a great summer ball opportunity for all ML and Freshman at PA looking to play HS baseball next Spring.   We need responses to Steve Cunningham by Wednesday 6/1/16 evening to get a team registered. 

Ages 15 and Under
Games start mid June thru mid July
Instructional atmosphere.
Operated by Lamoille County
Fee is about $100 or less.
For more information contact
Coach Steve Cunningham 802-379-8814
Registration by phone due Wednesday 6/1.

Summer Employment

If you are looking for a summer job, stop by the guidance office as notices for new summer job opportunities come in frequently. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Junior/Senior Prom

The Peoples Academy Junior/Senior Prom will take place on Saturday, May 21 at Jeudevine Falls in Hardwick. The Grand March begins at 6:30pm with festivities continuing until 10:00pm