PA News & Announcements

Public news and announcements from Peoples Academy.

Friday, September 30, 2016

What is Proficiency Based Learning (short video)

What is Proficiency Based Learning 9/30/16
This is one of many fun scenes from the exciting and inclusive homecoming pep rally on Friday 9/20/16.

Homecoming Week is coming to a fun conclusion this weekend with two home soccer games and the Bonfire on Saturday Night (7-10). Games start at 4:30 on Friday and Saturday. Everyone is welcome to the games but, the Bonfire is for HS students and Alumni only. We have 8 adults, the police and the fire department supervising the area near the building, parking lot, and band shell. However, we do not supervise students who leave this area. Please communicate with your student about their plans for arrival and departure from the Bonfire. Thanks and I hope you have a great weekend. And, don't miss all the fun at Rocktoberfest in downtown Morrisville!
PA Students were recently invited to the UN in NYC and participated in the International Day of Peace. 

Last week I mentioned that we would be providing more information throughout the year on Proficiency Based Learning (PBL). My hope is to provide you with a few resources each month. There is a lot to learn when it comes to PBL. My goal is that by providing little bits of information every few weeks you can begin to understand why the state is shifting to a PBL system, what it will look at PA, and when changes or new opportunities will impact your child. Each post will include opportunities to ‘dig deeper’ and learn much more on your own.

This week I am sharing a seven minute video that explains some of the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of PBL. I like this student narrated video because it is simple, short, and clear. You can view the video by clicking here. The video represents a snapshot of what PBL could look like in the future. Enjoy.

Finally, if you would like to learn more, the links below provide three resources for deeper understanding. And, I would like to remind you that guidance counselors and I will be available during our October 20th conferences to help answer your questions and provide you with some resources. If you have questions or want more information on specific things prior to then, please feel free to contact me or your child’s guidance counselor.

For more information click the ‘blue’ links below:

Thursday, September 29, 2016


The FIRST meeting for the Project Graduation parent group will be

Monday, October 3rd
6:00PM until 7:30PM
Mrs. Duffy's Classroom 

Let's get together to start planning a great after graduation party for the CLASS OF 2017!!!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Proficiency Based Learning & Progress Reporting

Proficiency Based Learning & Progress Reporting

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'Forensics' students engaged in lab apparatus. 

Hello all,
The start of school is rich with enthusiasm, smiles, and learning. We have some exciting events coming up soon for students and the community. Next week will be Spirit Week at PA which includes our 19 student cross-country team traveling to the annual powerhouse Thetford Invitational, varsity home soccer games on Friday and Saturday afternoons, and culminates with the annual BonFire Celebration on Saturday night from 7-10pm. There will also be the annual Morrisville Youth Soccer Invitational Soccer Tournament occurring throughout the morning of 10/1 on our fields. This is a great chance to spot our future champions and grab a bite to eat in support the annual Euro Soccer Trip. In between events, you can experience lots of fun at the now annual Rocktoberfest events in downtown Morrisville.

Update on Proficiency-Based Learning and Progress Reporting- Many of you may be aware that due to Act 77 and new understandings of how students learn the state and Peoples Academy are transitioning to a more personalized education system. At PA we are in the early stages of this transition. Fortunately, we have been studying and working hard for several years to prepare for this shift. In the past few years we have explored and practiced new ways to assess and track learning.

What to look for:
For parents and guardians of high school students there are two places you can look to see these changes.

First, this year all high school students will have a Personalized Learning Plan (PLP). We are calling the PLP the Wolf Track; a student’s (paw) track to their future. Last week, all students created their Wolf Track and completed a short ‘about me’ section that describes a few things about themselves. Ask your student to share their Wolf Track with you. In October, students will use the Wolf Track to set goals and then document growth or particular habits of learning. We will be calling these habits “Scholarly Habits”. The purpose of this activity is to help students develop as learners.

Second, grading and reporting will look slightly different this year. We are now using a Learning Management System (LMS) called Schoology to track and assess learning.  It is a technology tool designed to help shift from the idea of grades as something that always comes at the end of learning to the idea that grades---or, rather assessment---is part of learning. A change in grading and reporting is one of the shifts we will make as we move toward a proficiency-based learning system (PBL).

Schoology is a new technology tool for us and we are still working on making it capable of sending grades to Parent Portal. Despite our hard work and best intentions, we have not yet perfected our use of this system. By now you may have experienced the fact that your student's grades are not appearing in Parent Portal. Be assured teachers are assessing students and grades are being recorded. If there is no progress reported yet in Parent Portal, you can see your students progress by viewing their Schoology accounts with them. Each student has an account/password. I would advise that you sit down together and talk, not just about grades but about interests, goals, and plans.  Learning is about all these things and more; it should be exciting and relevant. We will be having similar conversations with your students in school when we work with them on their Wolf Track.  We hope that by the end of next week you will be able to view progress seamlessly through Parent Portal.

Ideally, the Wolf Track and proficiency-based learning (PBL) will go hand-in-hand. We are working hard to make this a reality. A great opportunity for you to learn more about PBL and the Wolf Track will be during student-parent-teacher conferences, which will occur on October 20 from 11am to 6pm. There will be more information and Q & A sessions throughout the day with guidance and the principal. Also, soon you will receive the first PAHS Guidance Newsletter. The newsletter will include new information about the Wolf Track, and Schoology. Thanks for your patience and understanding. We are working diligently and creating wonderful opportunities for your students. Thanks for sharing them with us. They bring us joy everyday.

For more information click the ‘blue’ links below or visit:

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Spirit Week


Monday, September 26th - Vermont or Tourist Day

Tuesday, September 27th - Twin Day

Wednesday, September 28th - Well-Dress Wednesday

Thursday, September 29th - Throwback Thursday

Friday, September 30th - Green & Gold... together PA's colors bright, wave on high above us, gleaming in the night.....  


Homecoming Bonfire

Saturday, October 1st
7 to 10 PM
PAHS Students & Alumni Only

Monday, September 19, 2016

Community Service Club

The Community Service Club is hoping you'll join them to make our school and the greater Morrisville community a better place - Many hands make light work, so they aren't look for a huge commitment.

They meet Mondays during lunch in Ms. Cedeno's room.

Check us out and see what you can do to help your community.

Paranormal Club

The Paranormal Club is investigating the Wolcott Elementary school, this Friday, September 23rd from 7-9PM. If you are interested, please stop by Mr. Chilton's room to pick up a permission slip. Only 12 slots available, first come, first serve.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Basketball Open Gym

Boys will have open gym on Mondays and Thursdays from 6:30 PM until 8:00 PM starting Monday, September 12th.

Girls have open gym on Sunday evenings at 7PM  and at 5:30 on Wednesday evenings.

Science Olympiad

Those interested in Science Olympiad will meet on Wednesday, September 14th at 2:45 in Mr. Yosko's room.

HS School Pictures

Wednesday, September 14th
7:45 AM until all are done
The students should bring their completed envelope with them to the auditorium

Juniors PSAT sign up

Juniors planning to take the PSAT on October 19, 2016 need to sign up in the guidance office and pay your $15 test fee by October 14, 2016. You will also need to pick up a blue permission slip in the guidance office to allow you to walk down to the VFW in town where the exam will be taken. Checks can be made out to Peoples Academy and given to Sheila Jones in the guidance office. Permissions forms should also be returned to Sheila.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Student Council Information

If you are interested in STUDENT COUNCIL, the first meeting of the year will be on Wednesday, Sept 14th at 7:30 AM in Mr. Larson's room. Please join us!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Senior Class Picture of
Monday, September 26th
7:50 AM
In the Front Circle
Be there or miss out as there isn't a redo!
Spread the word so one one is left out! 


Student Voice

Anyone interested in joining the STUDENT VOICE committee?
Come to our 
1st meeting of the year - Thursday, September 7th
Lunch time in Mrs. Bickart's room
Bring your lunch and add your voice to how our school works!

Friday, September 2, 2016

NEACAC College Fair ST Micheal's College

Wednesday, September 21, 2016 6:30pm-8:30pm at ST Micheal's College Tarrant Recreation Center
Thursday, September 22, 2016 9:00am-11:00am at ST Micheal's College Tarrant Recreation Center

Students are encouraged to attend the fair on Thursday evening with their parents.

Seniors SAT & ACT Registration

ACT October 22, 2016 testing takes place at Lamoille Union High School registration deadline is Sept. 16th

SAT November 5, 2016  test date is offered at Hazen Union and the registration deadline is Oct. 7th.  
All registration takes place online
If you have free or reduced lunch you are eligible for a collegeboard fee waiver.                      See Sheila or your guidance counselor.

Did you know?  the College Board offers:

Please see Carrie, Lindsey or Sheila in the guidance office if you need assistance.