PA News & Announcements

Public news and announcements from Peoples Academy.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Continuing down the Road to Proficiency

 We’d like to remind you of the LSSU PBL Road to Proficiency website. This website is designed to help you learn about our shifts in delivery of education at Peoples Academy and across LSSU.
As we continue to share information, we don’t want to pass by a critical question; why are these changes being made? Below are some of the reasons that we’d like to draw your attention to:

1 - Today we know and understand a lot more about how students learn and how their brains function than we did even 20 and even 10 years ago. Read more

“When I don’t do as well as I want the first time, I can redo my work as many times as I need to in order to understand the material better.” - Nicole, 11th grader Hear more

‘Making students redo their learning until it meets high expectations demands far more of both students and teachers than letting them take a failing grade— but it also results in far more learning.’ -Rick Wormeli, ‘Redos and Retakes Done Right’ teacher, author, presenter

2 - Our world and economy are shifting rapidly. Education in our schools must respond and adapt to these shifts. Read more

“Some new approaches in class are better suited to the way I think about the world. This increases my self initiative because I’m more interested in the work, which leads to deeper thinking. ” Larkin, 11th grade

‘To prepare our young people and our community for a bright and hopeful future, we must “remodel” our educational system, much as one would remodel a house. When you remodel a house, you do more than just repaint it: you make substantial changes, keeping the previous shape of the house, but updating old parts, and making the house more modern and efficient.’ -Up for Learning

3 - Changing law and expectations for schools require us to develop new systems.  Read more
We look forward to keeping you informed and answering your questions as we go.  Please visit our site and send us your questions and ideas. Thanks.

Congratulations Artists, Actors, and Musicians

‘The show went wonderfully, everyone enjoyed it, and we had tons of fun!” - actor
‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile so much’ - mom
‘It was incredible because the energy on the stage was the most I’ve ever seen at PA’-  director

Congratulations to all the artists, musicians, singers, actors, lights and backstage assistants, teachers, and others who helped with all of the amazing shows last week. You all brought lots of wonderful color, sounds, and thinking to our community. Great job and thank you. Also, if you haven’t seen it yet, there is a fantastic article in the News & Citizen and Stowe Reporter on the PA Drama Club and their musical performance. And, speaking of articles, check out this one that highlights some local athletes.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Art Show & Music Concert

FullSizeRender (3).jpgArt Show & Music Concert
Wednesday 11/16/16
6:00 pm-7:00 pm Art Show in Library
7:00 pm - Music Concert in Auditorium
Come for refreshments and beautiful art!


The winter sports parent and player information meeting will be

Monday, November 21st
5:30 PM
PA Auditorium

Friday, November 11, 2016

11-11-16 Seeking Candidates for the Office of School Director

Elmore-Morristown Unified Union School District

46 Copley Avenue

Morrisville, VT 05661

(802) 888-4541
(802) 888-6710 FAX


Elmore-Morristown Unified Union School District
Seeking Candidates for the Office of School Director

The local election for school directors for the Elmore-Morristown Unified Union School District will be held on Town Meeting Day, March 7, 2017.

Ida Mae Anderson, a Morristown resident, who has been serving as a board director since 2014, is planning to seek re-election to the office of At-Large school director, Morristown or Elmore resident, Seat 1, for the Elmore-Morristown Unified Union School District Board for a 3 year term.

Stephanie Craig, a Morristown resident, who has been serving as a board director since 2012, is also planning to seek re-election to the office of At-Large school director, Morristown resident, Seat 1, for the Elmore-Morristown Unified Union School District Board for a 3 year term.

John "Woody" Belt has indicated that he will be resigning from the Elmore-Morristown Unified Union School District (EMUU) Board of Directors effective March 7, 2017, due to changes in family circumstances.  Woody has served as a board director since 2013.  The Morristown School District and EMUU Boards are very grateful for his dedicated service on behalf of the children and communities of Elmore and Morristown.

To replace Woody, the Elmore-Morristown Unified Union School District Board of Directors is encouraging candidates for the office of At-Large school director, Seat 2, for the remaining 2 years of the 3 year term.  Candidates may be a Morristown or Elmore resident.  The election will be by Australian Ballot at the next local school district election, Town Meeting Day, March 7, 2017.  

Interested candidates may contact an Elmore-Morristown Unified Union School District Board Member or Lamoille South Supervisory Union (LSSU) Superintendent Tracy Wrend at 888-4541 for more information on board service.  Candidate Consent Forms and Petitions for Office can be obtained at LSSU, or the Elmore or Morristown Town Clerk's Office for all three board seats.  Completed petitions can be submitted to either Elmore or Morristown Town Clerk's Office and are due January 30, 2017.  

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Road to Proficiency at Elmore Morristown Unified Union (EMMU)

6-photo 4.JPG

Welcome to the start of our monthly communication for personalized and proficiency-based learning in our schools.  We know you have lots of questions as we work toward implementation of proficiency-based learning in our schools by the start of the 2017-18 school year.
We are pleased to announce some tools to help us understand proficiency-based learning:
  • Our Road to Proficiency website for detailed information regarding the what, why, and how of proficiency-based learning, FAQ’s, and additional resources.
  • A proficiency FACT sheet is available at your child’s school.
  • Monthly updates & information will be available through this blog.                              
There are several things to keep in mind as we embark on the Road to Proficiency:
  • While development of proficiency assessment and grading is a work in progress, student learning and our academic rigor will remain constant.
  • All four schools are working on various elements of proficiency-based learning. You may have already seen some of the tools we have created such as proficiency scales, and you can expect to see more in the near future.
  • While Act 77 requires us to move to proficiency-based learning, it is also designed to be flexible and allow us to implement in ways that meet the needs of all our students, teachers, and schools.

Going forward, as we implement new tools  for learning in the classroom, we will continue to provide information and updates and invite you to speak with us along the way.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Letter from the Superintendent


46 Copley Avenue

Morrisville, VT 05661

(802) 888-4541
(802) 888-6710 FAX

Tracy Wrend

Ed Oravec will be retiring from Morristown Elementary School at the end of the 2016-2017 school year.   He has served the students of the Elmore-Morristown Unified Union School District for the last nine years, and his presence at the school will be greatly missed.  

This means that the school board must make the very important decision of who will be the next principal at Morristown Elementary School.  The process will begin formally in December and include the appointment of a search committee, comprised of teachers, community members and facilitated by an administrator.  The information from the search committee will direct additional exploration of candidates, and, ultimately, inform the decision of the board.  Our goal is to appoint Morristown Elementary School’s new principal during March, 2017.
Please join us in wishing Ed the best, and contact me at any point if you have questions, concerns or suggestions.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Order a Peoples Academy Hoodie or T-shirt

PA Boosters are taking orders for printed or embroidered hoodies and t-shirts. Place your order by November 18th. Return order forms to the Peoples Academy High School or Middle Level main offices.


PA HOODIE or T-Shirt

Order forms available in the office.