PA News & Announcements

Public news and announcements from Peoples Academy.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

EMUU Capital Projects 2017 Survey

The Elmore-Morristown Unified Union has appointed a committee to recommend a plan to voters for approval to address capital needs.  We need your feedback.  Please take a few moments to complete the survey by clicking on the link below.  Thank you!

EMUU Capital Projects 2017 Survey

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Road to Proficiency

PA students recently spoke to all teachers in LSSU about their experience with PBL.
We would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Winter Break. Hopefully you all can find some ways to have some fun, get some rest, curl up with a good book or math puzzle, and enjoy winter in it’s glory.

During our most recent In-Service day on February 3rd, a panel of middle and high school students spoke to all the teachers and staff in LSSU. That’s a few hundred people! The students spoke about their experiences on their Road to Proficiency. As we would expect, they spoke thoughtfully, honestly, and clearly about what is working and what is not. Their thoughts and suggestions were helpful and it was impressive to hear how much they understood about our transition to a Proficiency Based Learning system (PBL).

Throughout the year, I’ve been sprinkling you with some updates, resources, and thoughts about this transition to Proficiency-Based Learning. This month, I encourage you to go back and take another look at the Road to Proficiency website (linked below) and bring some questions to conferences. Conferences are a month away, but it’s never too soon to start scheduling these important opportunities to check in with your child’s teachers. You can all the main office starting March 13th to schedule (888-4600). We will have staff on hand that day to answer questions about your child’s future, the Personal Learning Plan (PLP-Wolf Track), post high school opportunities, and Title 1 funding. We look forward to seeing you.

What Is Proficiency-Based Learning?
Prepping for a Geometry mastery assessment

Proficiency-based education represents a shift from the current school-centered system to one that is more student-centered. Proficiency-Based Learning (or PBL) is designed to:

  • Help schools create efficient and effective systems that will ensure all students graduate prepared to succeed in the college, careers, and communities of the 21st century.
  • Support all students meeting high academic standards, and ensure that more students master the knowledge and skills necessary to graduate better prepared for adult life.  
  • Create student learning and progress that is measured and reported in relation to learning expectations.  
  • Ensure that students demonstrate competency in order to advance, which will help ensure that students graduate truly ready for college and career.

What are the Proficiency Expectations in LSSU?

Our Proficiencies are organized into Mission Related Goals, Content Graduate Requirements, and Scholarly Habits; each providing focus, emphasis and learning goals for distinct areas of growth and abilities necessary to ensure our graduates are prepared for the demands of college, career and life.

A classic Biology scene - some things will remain the same. 
Want To Learn More?
To read more about Proficiency Based Learning grab a coffee and visit our PBL Website.  The Road to Proficiency: Why, What, and How. Image result for illustrations of a cup of coffee

       In particular you might want to watch student voices explain proficiency-based learning, read more about the Benefits of PBL or get additional information about the Proficiency Expectations in LSSU.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Bus Notice

The Morristown Police Department has received numerous complaints recently about cars passing school buses in the parking lots of Morristown Elementary and Peoples Academy.   We would like to remind drivers that it is illegal to pass a school bus when the red signal lights are in operation.  At no time is this permissible even if there is room to pass.  The current fine in the state of Vermont is $249 and 5 points on your driver’s license.  Attached is that statute.

Subchapter 007 : Special Stops Required
(Cite as: 23 V.S.A. § 1075)
  • § 1075. Passing school bus
(a) The operator of a motor vehicle, including authorized emergency vehicles under section 1015 of this title, upon meeting or overtaking a vehicle marked and equipped as provided in section 1283 of this title which has stopped on the highway for the purpose of receiving or discharging public or private schoolchildren, shall stop his or her vehicle immediately and shall keep it stationary while the flashing red signal lights are in operation.
(b) The driver of a vehicle need not stop upon a highway with separate roadways upon meeting or overtaking a school bus which is on a different roadway, or upon a controlled access highway where the school bus is stopped in a loading zone which is a part of or adjacent to the highway at a point where pedestrians are not permitted to cross the roadway. (Added 1971, No. 258 (Adj. Sess.), § 3, eff. March 1, 1973; amended 1975, No. 149 (Adj. Sess.), § 3; 1981, No. 97, § 3.)

Friday, February 10, 2017

Proposed FY18 Budget Information

Proposed FY18 Budget Information

The vote on the school budget will take place on Town Meeting Day, March 7, 2017. Please follow this link to an overview of the proposed budget. Also, please mark your calendar for the EMUU Annual Meeting  on Thursday, March 2, 2017 at 6:00 PM in the PA Auditorium.  

Tracy Wrend, Superintendent
Lamoille South Supervisory Union
46 Copley Avenue
Morrisville, VT, 05661

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Green Mountain Girls State

Sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary

Who: Current Junior Girls When: Saturday, June 17 - Thursday, June 22, 2017
Where: Vermont Technical College
Application Due Date: March 24, 2017
Note: Pick up application in the guidance office.
See your guidance counselor

Medquest 2017


Explore a  variety of careers in health care; gain exposure to professional work environments; build skills & resources for health career pathways & experience residential life on a college campus.

Who: Sophomores When: June 25 - June 30, 2017 Where: Johnson State College
Note: Apply by March 1 online at; See your guidance counselor

Law Cadet Training Program

Summer opportunity Law Cadet Training Program sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary.
Who: must be 16 years of age and a rising junior or senior.
When: June 18-June 23rd
Where: Vermont Police Academy, Pittsford, VT
The purpose of the program is to expose young people to all facets of the criminal justice system. Interest in Law Enforcement or a career in polining is not a requiremnt.
Pick up an application in the guidance office and apply by April 10th.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Chili Dinner
February 17, 2017 5-8pm
Peoples Academy Cafeteria

Single- $8   Family of Four- $25  Under 2- Free

Supports High School and Middle Level Chorus/Band Trip

Community Breakfast

A message from the Vermont Secretary of Education


The letter below was recently sent to all schools in Vermont by the Secretary of Education. We felt that it was also important for you to see this statement from the Agency of Education.

TO: Superintendents, Principals, and Educators
FROM: Rebecca Holcombe, Ed.D., Secretary of Education
SUBJECT: Preserving a Strong and Vital Vermont
DATE: January 31, 2017

Vermont strongly stands against the prejudice and intolerance that characterize the current immigration proposals coming out of Washington, as well as casual talk about federal National Guard and law enforcement intervention in communities whose real challenges stem from the ravages of poverty or racism. We are all Vermonters, and we know the safety and wellbeing of each of us is essential to preserving a strong and vital Vermont.

As Governor Scott stated this week: “I can't imagine what Vermont, or our country, would look like today, had we refused to allow immigrants from all reaches of the world to experience this wonderful country the way most of us have, simply because they were not born here or didn’t share our exact religious view. As I have said, I’m going to do everything I can to protect the rights of all Vermonters and the human rights of all people – that includes standing up to executive orders from Washington that cross legal, ethical and moral lines that have distinguished America from the rest of the world for generations.”

Decency and democracy demand that we stand and refuse to be separated from vulnerable members of our community, who are also Americans and Vermonters. We need to be firm that our communities and our schools are safe and welcoming places that embrace and support all our children and families. That is the “unity” of our state motto. Our children – no matter their race, religion, national origin, poverty status or disability status – have a right to learn and be supported as they grow into the strong Vermonters we value and desperately need to build a strong future for this great little state.

Targeting and isolation of some Americans simply distracts us from our real imperative: growing poverty that threatens to swallow more generations of Vermont children.

Poverty erodes basic human dignity. It leaves our children hungry and tired and angry and unable to learn. It leaves parents stressed and overwhelmed and vulnerable to the predations of opiate addiction. As a state that has seen a doubling of poverty in our student population since 2008, we cannot allow scapegoating to divide us and distract us from more important efforts to ensure that every Vermont child – regardless of race, national origin, gender identity, disability status or family adversity—has the opportunity to grow up strong and contribute to our more perfect Vermont union.

As a state where every day, three children are born to opiate-addicted parents, we need to stay focused on standing together to tackle the hopelessness and disadvantage that threaten to engulf our most vulnerable Vermonters, rather than losing precious time in looking for someone to blame.
You know, and I know, that when we allow disadvantage to take over the lives of our youngest Vermonters, the whole state pays the price of that lost potential. When poverty interferes with education, we potentially lose the child who might have found the cure for cancer or the child who could have been the next governor. Tolerating inequity creates a sense of betrayal that erodes our common purpose and our shared belief that we can build a better Vermont.

Our most disadvantaged children represent our greatest investment opportunity. And, when they do better, our schools have greater capacity to respond to and encourage the learning of all other students as well. From Brattleboro to Rutland to St. Albans to the Northeast Kingdom, I appreciate your strong advocacy and courage, even when the progress sometimes feels slow.

In the great VT tradition of heated debate, I suspect we will spend the next years debating questions similar to those Dr. Martin Luther King contemplated 50 years ago: how to get every Vermonter to work in a job that pays a living wage and enables him or her to contribute to the goal of growing our economy.

This conversation depends on our shared commitment to the belief that we are all Vermonters, and all Vermonters are worthy.

We can and will disagree at times. That is what the “freedom” in our state motto is all about. Open and respectful debate, however, is what makes us better. Without it, we can’t forge a shared understanding of where we need to go, let alone how we will get there. Above all, we can’t lose the common purpose that enables this free and open debate to occur in the first place.

Thank you for all the hard work you do on behalf of our children.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

It's About Learning

The February 2017 Budget Edition of It's About Learning is now available. It may be viewed and printed from any of our district websites. A printed version of this publication can be obtained by contacting Lamoille South Supervisory Union at 888-4541.

It's About Learning Budget Edition

The February 2017 Budget Edition of It's About Learning is now available. It may be viewed and printed from our website HERE. A printed version of this publication can be obtained by contacting Lamoille South Supervisory Union at 888-4541.