PA News & Announcements

Public news and announcements from Peoples Academy.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Road to Proficiency


The previous ‘Road to Proficiency’ blog post highlighted the PLP (personalized learning plans). The PLP is an important component of the Proficiency Based Learning system (PBL) that we are moving toward at Peoples Academy and across the state. A PBL system has many benefits for students as outlined below.

Key Benefits of PBL:
  1. Students are responsible for their own learning and understand their growth in a deeper way.
  2. Students begin seeing the implications and applications of content and learning in their own lives.
  3. Students take greater responsibility for their education, are more thoughtful and goal-oriented about the educational choices they make, and use their time in school more purposefully.
  4. Teachers gain a stronger understanding of the interests, learning needs, and aspirations of their students and use that information to advise and support them more effectively.

The third benefit listed above connects to the Peoples Academy’s Scholarly Habits. We are beginning to use and assess these ‘habits of successful learners’ in classes and during Teacher Advisory (TA). This past fall students reviewed these habits with their advisers and teachers. Students chose one habit to focus on for growth. During the second semester, students will reflect on these habits and find evidence from their classroom activities and assignments to demonstrate focus and growth as learners. By focusing on these habits, we believe students will improve their classroom success. This is all part of our big vision which is create life-long self directed and passionate learners.

To learn more about the additional benefits on Personalized Learning Plans visit: The Road to Proficiency